
Junk Food Day

We believe in promoting well-being and making smart choices even on fun holidays. Let's explore how you can celebrate with healthy alternatives, and discover the services we offer to support your overall health.

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Get Ready for Summer Vacation

It’s finally summer! One of the most anticipated times of year is summer vacation. Let Moose Pharmacy help you take the stress out of preparing for summer vacation. 

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Independence Day, Independent Pharmacy

We've been here since 1882 and, although we’re over 100 years younger than our country, we plan on helping its citizens for hundreds of years to come. 

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National Yoga Day

Low-intensity exercises in particular are recommended to most people, including older adults, to promote health. These exercises are not only easier, but they are also safer. 

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No Tobacco Day

Did you know the World Health Organization found that your heart rate drops after just 20 minutes of quitting smoking tobacco?

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Women’s Health Focus: Osteoporosis

Did you know your bones stop growing when you turn 30? After that, the bone starts to deteriorate slowly. Later, when the bone becomes extremely brittle, it becomes a disease called osteoporosis.

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National Sunscreen Day

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, the use of sunscreen reduces your risk for skin cancer by about 40-50%.

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Serving Rural Communities

Moose Pharmacy is driven to serve those living in rural communities who are at a higher risk of disease and disability, with higher death rates and shorter life spans.

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The Truth About Diet Soda

Here at Moose Pharmacy, we took a deep dive into the research surrounding diet beverages, so that the next time you crack open a crisp, diet soda, you will have some new information to consider!

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Busting Pharmacist Myths

Are you one of those people who think a pharmacist’s job ends only at dispensing medications? Let's bust some myths about pharmacists!

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COVID-19 Prevention for Everyone

Moose Pharmacy now offers Evusheld, a combination of monoclonal antibodies that provides long-acting immunity to COVID-19. 

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Personal Trainer Day

Starting off the new year, there is no better time for National Personal Trainer Awareness Day! While taking the day to appreciate the people helping with your resolutions, do NOT forget to appreciate your own body in other ways!

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Ugly Sweater Day

No one has time around the holidays to feel sick. We want to feel great and be excited to wear ugly sweaters while spending time with loved ones. 

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Small Business Saturday

Small, locally owned businesses help to build strong communities. They are a way to connect the town socially, and they understand your needs better than anyone else. They make decisions that would best suit the community for which they serve. 

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Pickle Day

Did you know that eating pickles can provide health benefits? Studies show that the fermentation process of a pickle produces probiotic properties. These properties can improve digestion and increase the body's immunity against infectious diseases.

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Sleep Help

Enjoy that extra hour of sleep tonight and don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour! ⏰ 💤 Having trouble sleeping lately? Moose Pharmacy is here to help with all of your sleep needs.

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Cat Day

Yes, cats give us tons of love back, but owning a cat is also good for your health! Pet owners are generally less likely to have high cholesterol, diabetes, and stroke.

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Monkeypox FAQs

With the emergence of monkeypox as another public health threat, it is only natural to have questions about this new infectious disease, how it might impact your life and what vaccines or medications are available to protect you. 

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