M-F: 9am-6pm | Sat: 9am-1pm
🌟 Unlimited Access to Your Health Team
🌡️ Preventative Care, Acute Condition Management, Chronic Disease Care, and Mental Health Support
💵 No Copays
💊 180 Medications Included at NO COST
💉 Botox and Dysport Available
📅 Only a 3-Month Commitment
Ashley Moose, PharmD
Ashley Moose received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Kentucky and her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Campbell University. She completed a Community Pharmacy Residency and a Postgraduate Year 2 Community Pharmacy Residency with the University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy and Moose Pharmacy.
Joe Black
Joe Black graduated from University of North Carolina with a B.S. in Pharmacy. He has worked in community pharmacy for more than 45 years. He joined the Moose Pharmacy team in January 2020. Joe’s greatest passion in the pharmacy is helping patients and is known in the community for providing excellent patient care. He married his high school sweetheart, Cathy and they have been married for 45 years. Joe enjoys spending time with his 3 sons, 6 grandchildren, gardening, hiking to view waterfalls, riding his bike, and collecting electric trains.